Uptake Post #8

    After doing the reading, I believe translingualism is a special practice or approach to language that views multilingualism not just as the ability to speak languages separately but also as the capacity to navigate and blend them fluidly in communication. A basic example of that is words that sound similar in different languages to the point where two people who might have a total or complete language barrier between each other, can still understand each other because the words they're using are considered to be translingual. This approach recognizes the dynamic and fluid nature of language, seeing it as a practice of compromising meaning across linguistic boundaries rather than strictly adhering to the rules of any single language. This perspective acknowledges the reality of how people use language in increasingly globalized and culturally diverse settings, where code-switching and hybrid linguistic practices are common. I believe one of the most easy to understand things about translingualism is its foundational idea: the recognition of language as an evolving tool for communication that naturally pushes against strict boundaries. Which makes sense, considering the way people actually use language in real life, especially in multicultural or multilingual contexts. Language isn't just a set of vocabulary and grammar rules; it's a means of making oneself understood, connecting with others, and expressing identity. Some confusing things might be how actually using the translingual approach would affect how our society assesses things like language proficiency for people. After this question I really want to learn more about how adjusting to the concept of translingualism would affect our society in other ways. I'm curious to learn more about how it would applied in our educational system which have more traditional or monolingual standards of literacy and communication, which sort of things it would alter. I'm not totally sure how translingualism could be applied to my life yet but it does sound really useful and I'm sure it is applicable somehow.Translingual benefits - myRepublica - The New York Times Partner, Latest  news of Nepal in English, Latest News Articles


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