Uptake Post #2

     I was unaware of what the term CHAT meant when I had read it in the beginning assignments of this semester, but after looking into it I found out that it stands for Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. I've noticed that it was mentioned in multiple of the articles that were assigned for reading. I'm not sure that I fully understand exactly what it means yet but hopefully I'll get a better understanding in class. In the powerpoint it defines it as, "a framework for investigating complex writing situations." It then specifies the 7 CHAT terms, which are production, representation, activity, ecology, distribution, socialization, and reception. The definitions of these specific terms helps me to understand a little better what exactly CHAT means but combining them all into the full idea still seems complicated. 

    After going over the powerpoint, I once again noticed that the term was mentioned. She defines activity theory as, "an exploration of how people, objects, and ideas work together to carry out objectives." She further explains that the cultural and historical parts of the term, "talks about how the objects, ideas, and genres we use reflect certain cultural values at certain points in history." Right after she provides an example to further explain the idea. This extra definition and given example helped to further my understanding of the term and I hope that as I move further into this class the term becomes even more clear. 


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