
Showing posts from February, 2024

Uptake Post #4

     Before this class, in my mind genre meant a category of some form of art that is characterized by similarities in subject matter and/or appearance. Some examples of this that I can think of are horror, romance, or my dad's favorite, comedies. Growing up, that is the only context that I had ever heard the word genre be used in. People would always ask, "what's your favorite genre of [book, movie, etc.]?" Personally, I have always loved horror. Especially movies like The Conjuring or The Purge. After taking this class my definition of genre is expanding. It now includes genre as a typified response to a  recurring  situation. This is the basic definition that I was taught in class. Simplified, it is something similar to a format that is made as a response to a recurring problem. The example that was used in class was a resumé. They are always a similar format that can be personalized but all have a basic layout that is the same. Another example is a card, they are